Sophia Tajber was born on June 23rd, 1890 in Biała Podlaska. She spent her youth in Żytomierz, where she went through a faith crisis influenced by reading material of atheist philosophers. After she converted she gave herself totally to God. The years of the revolution and World War I were abounding in physical and moral suffering. To see people suffering in this manner had a great impact on her. To deliver human souls from evil she presented the Most Holy Soul of Christ as the Way. In 1923 she founded a religious congregation in honour of the Most Holy Soul of Christ. The main aim of the Congregation is to make people aware of Christ living in their souls and to emphasize the value of every immortal human soul and it’s great destiny in God. She died on May 28th, 1963 in Siedlec by Krzeszowice, earning for herself a reputation of holiness, burried at Kraków-Prądnik Biały cemetery.
On April 5th, 1994 her earthly remains were transfered to the chapel of the Sisters of the Most Holy Soul of Christ in Kraków, ul. Matki Pauli Zofii Tajber 1.
The canonization procedure for Mother Paula Sophia Tajber was begun on November 9th, 1993 in Kraków.
The aim of the Congregation is to promote the cult of the Most Holy Soul of Christ, teaching others of the presence of Jesus in human souls and cultivating devotion to Our Lady as the Mother of the Mystical Body of Christ.
In order to achieve this aim, the Sisters, both in Poland and abroad, take action in the following fields: arousing an apostolic as well as a missionary spirit in society, education and upbringing of children and youth in a christian spirit, nursing the sick, conducting workshops and customer services; and also by assisting in Parishes.